Plural Etiquette Questionnaire

The Moonlit System's answers to the Plural Etiquette Questionnaire
What do you go by collectively? (a system name, a shared username, group pronouns... etc)
The Moonlit System
How should people refer to you? (should people address individual members whenever possible, or would you rather be referred to collectively, etc)
Individual members would like to be spoken to/about and referred by name directly, if your intention is to speak to/about or address them. Otherwise, when referring to the entire system, please refer to us all as "The Moonlit System".
What terms do you prefer for referring to yourselves as individuals (headmate/alter/system member/...), or as a group (system/collective/household/...)? Is there any other terminology for yourselves or aspects of your experience that you use and want people to know, or that you dislike and want people to avoid when talking about you?
Headmates, and system. System members are also ok, but "alters" is a bit iffy at best.
Who in your system are people most likely to interact with? (names, pronouns, etc)
- Lynx (she/her, they/them, ve/vir/virs) ; no proxy emoji.
- Yue (she/her, they/them) ; starts her sentences with a cresent moon emoji.
- Asuka (she/her) ; starts her messages with a fire emoji.
Will people be interacting with any child members? How should they treat them? Is there anything they should know when interacting with them?
Please treat any littles fronting as though you were interacting with a child irl, and no not under any circumstances mention lewd things around them, it is especially painful for Nodoka to hear about them in particular.
Are there any system members who are nonverbal or otherwise have difficulty communicating? What should others expect when speaking with them?
Pollyanna and Fluffy are entirely mute, while Gloria can make noises. Other system members can typically co-front or communicate in their place.
What should people do if they don't know who's at front?
Ask who's fronting!
Is it okay for people to ask if they can talk to someone who isn't at front at the moment?
Yeah, but since we're all our own people, the member you're asking to front may choose not to at any time.
If someone talks to one of you, will other system members be aware of the conversation? Will they be actively watching, or just able to remember it later?
Yes. It depends on the situation, but many members are often coconscious - but regardless of if they are or not, they can typically remember situations unless Yue forcefully removes the memories.
Adding onto the above – if multiple system members will be aware of a conversation, will they want to chime in? If someone wants to speak to a system member one-on-one, what expectations can they have and how should they communicate this? (for example, it may not be possible to block everyone out but they can try to pay attention to something else and not interrupt)
Usually the headmate will only make comments to whoever is fronting or other headmates, not whoever is speaking directly to who is fronting. Just know that anyone in the system can remember information if you give it to a particular member.
How out are you? What should people do when talking to people who don't know you're plural? (do you have a “singletsona” name and pronouns they should use; can they talk about knowing someone who's plural in nonspecific terms, without naming you; etc)
We're primarily only out online. If someone doesn't know we're plural online, you're free to explain plurality (and that we're an OSDD1b system), irl we usually go by the birth name and use she/her pronouns for signlet passing purposes, though. Anyone is ofc free to talk about knowing someone who's plural in nonspecific terms around us IRL when referring to us though!
Do you have any internal communication difficulties, memory issues, switch triggers, etc that others should be mindful of?
Primarily we occassionally have memory issues, but it's less "memory gaps due to switching" and more "we all dissociate a lot so sometimes one headmate might randomly remember what another can't or we all forgot wtf was happening", really. Uh... Some headmates refuse to listen to others in the system at times, but idk if that's exactly internal communication difficulties, or more-so others just being difficult. x.x
Your stance on being asked questions? (about personal experience, preferences, plurality in general, etc)
Being asked about plurality, preferences, and some personal experiences are ok. But prying about why a PTSD trigger is triggering, or what the boundaries on the trigger are, are typically not recommended. The former will earn you a trauma dump, and the latter can sometimes be triggering on it's own.
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